A trip to a sustainable future
SAVE-Sustainability, Action, Travel, Experience-is an itinerant project aimed at Italian primary and secondary school students, initiated by Museo del Risparmio, BEI Institute and Scania Italia, in cooperation with Intesa San Paolo. The aim of the initiative is to promote the conscious use of scarce resources, both natural and financial, and to educate on the sustainable development of the planet.
Mosaico Studio was responsible for the design of the visual image and communication.

The first edition of the SAVE tour focused on
Central and Southern Italy.
The Discovery Truck travelled for approximately
6 months, from October 2018 to April
6 months, from October 2018 to April
2019, touching on 8 Italian regions with
7 stops in areas affected by the
earthquake, involving about
10.000 students.
7 stops in areas affected by the
earthquake, involving about
10.000 students.

Communication materials